Chronology. Built at the end of the 3rd century.

Author. It has been attributed to the Tetrarchic Emperor Maximilian.

Description. The archaeological site of Cercadilla is an archaeological site located next to the Córdoba station. Among the archaeological remains that can be seen today are a late-Roman monumental complex of unknown function, vestiges of the construction process of this monumental complex, hydraulic infrastructure composed of cisterns and the connection with the aqueducts, and finally, the rest of the Caliphate period.

The enormous dimensions of the Palatine complex with 400 meters long by 200 m2 wide and with 80,000 square meters of palatal surface are the best proof to exemplify the importance of the city of Cordoba in the Roman Empire and more specifically during the III and IV centuries

A site is a group of remains of Late Roman and Early Medieval times located in Cordoba, Spain, in which an architectural complex built at the end of the 3rd century has been discovered and attributed to the Tetrarchic Emperor Maximilian (293-305).

The first localized archaeological remains were discovered in 1922 during works to extend the track park at the Cercadilla station. At that time, the magnitude of the building in front of which the excavator was located was not known, despite the fact that it had located part of the entire vault of the cryptoporticus.

The archaeological site was discovered in 1991 due to the burial of the railway and the construction of the new AVE station in the city, due to the hurry with which it was desired to finish the works of the station, a good part of its surface destroyed - all the area affected by the station, the platforms and the roads- while other areas are hidden under the avenues, streets, and houses that surround it. The image that Cercadilla tries to offer to the visitor is the one of superposition of the modern city and the extension of the deposit under her.


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Address: Av. Vía Augusta, 45, 14011 Córdoba Phone: 671 56 03 19