"Patios de Viana, a Palace Musical". Description: A guided tour through the courtyards of the Palacio de Viana, cataloged as a historical and artistic garden. A narrated story that has as its protagonists the first Marqueses de Viana, using the Zarzuela as the guiding thread of the story, in charge of the Coro de Ópera de Córdoba Cajasur. A changing scenario of 4,000 square meters for an exclusive show (50 people) that will turn the viewer into another inhabitant of the Palace.

Date: Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 18.

Place: Palace of Viana

Time: 9.30 p.m.

Price: € 25

Ticket Sales: http://tickets.palaciodeviana.com/agenda/categoria/teatro/list/

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From 5/10/2019 at 21:30
Hasta el 5/18/2019