Description. The Tower of Seven Corners, is located next to an old farmhouse, now in ruins, on a mountain located about 450 meters above the sea level. Since she currency, east, the city of Cordoba and the wide valley where this is located. It is perhaps a watchtower built in the time of the emirs who ruled from Qurtuba, the capital of al-Ándalus.Qurtuba.
The tower, built with irregular masonry cement stuck with lime and sand, actually has 7 corners, but eight (octagonal tower).
It is a tower visited frequented by walkers and cyclists.
His rough appearance and state of ruin contrast with the breathtaking view that tends to our feet, one of the most impressive we can get from Cordoba and the Guadalquivir valley.
Tradition tells us that it was built to avoid the constant reconstruction of a monastery located very near there, Peñamelaria monastery.
Apparently in this monastery they lived or at least frequented Christians who were part of movement called Martyrs of Córdoba, which caused more than a headache to Rahman II (822-852) and emirs Mohammed I (852-886) such as Pomposa and beheaded martyrs named Fundilas.
What is certain is that the tower was part of the defensive belt of the enormous capital of al-Andalus, which was in visual contact with other nearby towers, such as Pigeon (which is very little and whose access is more complicated) and stood very close to the Blessed, the best preserved of the three.
I could also monitor roads used to lower ore from the ancient mines are located in the vicinity, many of them exploited at least since Roman times. It is why your feet zigzags a path that only the most observant and curious acertarán find the call Trocha del Cobre.
37.9074727 37 ° 54 '26.90' 'N
-4.8545051 4 ° 51 '16.22' 'W

1 Reviews

el bichaco

Es una de las bajadas mas divertidas de la sierra cordobesa para hacer en mtb. Ahí damos muchos saltos.

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